Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blogging from Beijing

Monday - April 19, 8:09 pm
We are sitting down to breakfast just now before heading out this morning to see The Great Wall. Our group continues to arrive and the conference meetings begin tomorrow evening, Wednesday. After arriving late last night via Detroit to Norita Japan and onto Beijing, we were escorted to our hotel and checked in after more than 26 hours in transit.

Tuesday - April 20, 5:57 am
We went to the Forbidden City, which was the palace of the Emperor in the 1400s. I have pictures, but it is huge and covers several hundred acres. It is an incredible place just off Tianemen Square. Beijing is a very busy city with many beautiful buildings mixed with large modern office buildings and hotels. Tomorrow we got to Great Wall and conference starts tomorrow evening. About 50 of the 500 conference attendees will most likely not be able to attend because of the volcanic ash in Europe.

Wenesday - April 21, 11:54 am
It was nice to be out in the countryside and ride through villages on the way to the Great Wall tour. The weather was cool, damp, and overcast, but pleasant enough to make our tour work. The Great Wall is impressive and we visited a section which was completed in the 16th century. The wall is more than 5500 miles long. I have pictures, but for some reason can't upload them to send right now. The conference began last night and we have a booth where we greeted attendees and began extending our invitation to come to Memphis next year for the 2011 Airport Cities Conference. I had visits with the airport executive for Munich and Denver, for example. Some people are still struggling to get here due to the disruption of air travel and others simply cannot make connections and have cancelled.

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