Monday, October 26, 2009

Shelby Farms

A few years ago, who could have imagined the 4500 acre Shelby County Penal Farm would be placed in a 50 year-old land trust by a unanimous vote of the Shelby County Commission to be operated by a citizens' board-driven, not for profit called the Shelby Farms Conservancy?

Plans are being developed by the park board for a proposed $100 million improvement package to include an expansion of the existing Patriot Lake, hiking trail developments, horseback riding, bike trails, recreational areas along with picnic and family reunion areas. Shelby Farms will soon be expanded and transformed into a 'green' asset for the entire Memphis community.

Go to the website and review the proposed plans and available activities for recreation and exercise.

Located in the very center of the Memphis population, Shelby Farms will soon be connected from Midtown Memphis by a seven mile trail along the former CSX railroad bed and a new pedestrian bridge over the Wolf River to give bikers and pedestrians access from the Humphreys Blvd area.

Now called Shelby Farms, the user groups and stakeholders have been engaged all through the process and the design plans reflect that input and engagement. In the next few weeks, Starry Nights, after a 10 year absence, will return with a 20 exhibit show for the entire community to enjoy from Thanksgiving through New Years.

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