Thursday, December 22, 2011

C&W Industrial Research: Jobs Growth and Absorption

  • The significant decline in employment in 2009 resulted in over 106.3 msf of negative absorption for that year. Similarly, the industrial market has seen substantial improvement in terms of space absorbed as job growth turned positive.
  • Since June 2009, the economy has added 2.5 million jobs. Consequently, the U.S. industrial sector has absorbed 70.6 msf of direct space since the beginning of 2010.
  • Although unemployment remains elevated, the U.S. unemployment rate dropped to 8.6% in November, the lowest since March 2009. This recent improvement, although weak, will lead to a continuation of the steady recovery trend for the industrial sector.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

New C&W Publication: Occupier Insight, Transformational Change

In the wake of continued economic uncertainty, many companies are still searching for ways to streamline their operations. At the same time, workforce demographics are affecting real estate management and investment strategies, and technological advancements are transforming how companies connect with employees and customers. These factors present unique challenges for commercial real estate executives (CREs), who are asked to deliver value to their organization.

In C&W's latest Business Briefing, "Occupier Insight Report: Transformational Change," they examine the transformational drivers of change within the corporate real estate industry and offer perspectives from other experts as we explore the steps CREs can take to better manage and lead their organizations in a rapidly changing environment.

To access a full version of the report, visit the C&W Knowledge Center by clicking here.
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